Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.
Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications running?
If you’re not familiar with how to check your machine for open programs or other runnings tasks you might need to search around. You could start here maybe:
Well, i don’t know how to tell what process maybe interfering.
I’ll post a print of the current processes.
As for the applications, i didn’t install any applications in the interval of when it used to work normally aside from postgres, node and nginx, which failed btw.
You mentioned it still works normally for one site, but only with other sites you get the 504? Are you running all of the sites at the same time? What I mean is that if there is a site you want to use the Live Link on have you “Stopped” all of the other sites in your app first? It could be the machine is just getting overloaded.
Yea, it used to work. I would usually run 3 sites without breaking a sweat.
Suddenly it just stopped working for 2/3 sites. One of which has been a while since I even modify its code.
I tried troubleshooting it based on the tips on link and it still gives back the same error.
When the computer is restarted and turned on, close any applications that automatically run in the background (AntiVirus, Firewall, and other Developer applications included).
Glad to hear it’s working again! This error is tough to troubleshoot since it’s usually sporadic. Generally, it’s some type of connection problem so if you come across it again it might be good to just try doing some reboots of Local or your machine. Making sure other sites and programs are stopped/closed down.