Failed Admin User Creation When Creating New Site

Upon creating a new site, I am unable to login using the admin credentials that I set during the config stage. (Yes I have ruled out spelling mistakes). Therefore my site is useless as I can not login to the dashboard.

Any Ideas?

I would recommend using WP-CLI. Here’s how:

  1. Right-click on the site in Local and go to Open Site SSH
  2. Enter wp user update admin --user_pass=newpassword

Of course you may need to change admin and/or newpassword.

Thank you! That worked!

However, I realized that even though you set a default admin password, it does not keep it. You are sent a new one via email, which I learned you must go to ‘Utilities -> Mailcatcher’ to find such emails. I must have missed that step when first installing Local.

So my issue was user error rather than a bug in the setup process.

Glad to hear it!

As long as you provide a password when adding a site it should use it. Did you enable multi-site by chance?

I am creating 7 total sites, 5 of which use Multisite.