Google indexing

How do you recommend dealing with Google indexing/duplicate content, when you’re cloning an existing site for local redesign or test ? (And using the external link for costumer reviewing)

Jetpack has a “safe mode” option, but I’m not sure that I can trust Jetpack 100 % in this matter.

In MAMP you can set the test-site to “No Google Index”, but Local by Flywheel doesn’t seem to have a similar function.

Great question!

You can check “Discourage search engines from indexing this site” under WordPress Admin » Settings » Reading » Search Engine Visibility.

There isn’t anything discouraging Live Links from being indexed. I’ve made a note to disable indexing on Live Links in a future release.

Great - Looking forward to the future release.

I’ve uninstalled MAMP, and are now only using Local by Flywheel for local customer- & testsites.

Awesome, glad to hear it! :smiley:

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