How do I have my Local website replace an existing live website?

Issue Summary

My web host and I want to know how best to move my LocalWP site to go live and replace an WordPress website?.

Troubleshooting Questions

I would the make my the local version of site I’ve made go live and replace an existing WordPress. How you tell me the best way I should do this?

Should or should I just email the zip file over of the new design over to my host?

I am wondering if will have to update lots of plugins, basically do lots of organising in WordPress.I assume everything in WordPress Dashboard will change to match the new design I made in LocalWP?

System Details

  • I am using Local 6.3.1
  • This is running on Mac OS Big Sur on a 2014 MacBook Air
  • I use cPanel for a live website that I want to be replaced by the one on Local
  • I use the same WordPress theme (Astra), page-builder (Elementor) for both sites.

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