If you are wanting to update local or are seeing a spinning “Updating” or “checking system” after updating local try this guide.
You will want to backup all your sites first. Just 2 finger click the site you need to backup and then select “export” save that file someplace safe like your desktop. If you cannot access from the local dashboard just search for it on your root folder
~/user/Local Sites
and copy those files to a safe place outside of the directory & compress them if you’d like to use them later. -
Uninstall the version of local currently installed, here is the Mac guide https://getflywheel.com/wordpress-support/uninstall-local-on-macos/
Here is the guide for Windows: https://getflywheel.com/wordpress-support/uninstall-local-on-windows/ -
Then head over to https://virtualbox.org, download the latest version, should be 6.0.10 as of writing this -or- open Virtual box if installed in your applications and do this: https://flywheel.link/089d8e3f6991
Then head over to https://local-by-flywheel-flywheel.netdna-ssl.com/releases/3-3-0/local-by-flywheel-3-3-0-mac.dmg to download local by flywheel version 3.3.
Start Local and sign in. (it may have you create a new site, go through the process if necessary. You can delete it if you need later)
Then you can import that site back into the updated pro version of local. Just drag that export backup file you saved to a safe place into the local by flywheel window.