Imported File is Empty... I need help!

I need help. I deleted the original Local site already and have the Exported zip file. But when I upload it to a new wordpress site via Local… it’s empty but all the contents are on the ZIP file. Can someone please help me. I need to recover the project. I badly need support… here is the file (when imported it’s empty): - Google Drive

Can someone please help me… I’m in deep trouble :frowning:

Can someone check if it’s just a database issue or sql?

Anyone from the support team help me and check if the file is still workable and can be restored. Hope it’s just a sql issue huhu. I need the project so badly.

Hi there @consyncdigital -

To clarify, did you follow this import process?


Yes, I followed every steps…

Can someone from your team check if he or she can fix my files? I think it’s an sql issue and I’m not sure how to fix it…

Hi there @consyncdigital -

Can you please provide your Local Logs? You can do that by following this help doc:

In addition, it may be helpful if you recorded a screen share video of exactly what you’re seeing.


Hello, it was included on the link file I posted here. And for the “what I’m seeing part” it’s a new site with no content on it. When I check the exported wp-content all my uploaded files are there… but not showing on my wordpress site

In taking a look at the zip file, I see your images in the app/public/wp-content/uploads directory, but the database dump file (app/sql/local.sql) is essentially empty (e.g. no attachment entries in the wp_posts table for your uploaded images). The timestamp at the end of the dump file is “2022-09-05 16:31:41”, which pre-dates the timestamps of the images in the uploads directory.

My understanding is that Local generates the local.sql file when the user stops a site through the Local app. There is a local.sql.tmp file in the app/sql directory of the zip that is from 2022-11-14 – maybe Local tried to perform a dump at that time and failed.

Unfortunately, I don’t think you’re going to be able to get much from this zip file. Do you have any others for the site?

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Thank you so much for checking. Appreciate it. Unfortunately this is the only backup we had from Local. Ugh I’m frustrated and sad that Local is not that helpful at all and this things happens. Better search for another app.

I just noticed this thread: When I Import my new Local ZIP file site it's uploading a clean and new wordpress with no pages and anything? My website is gone

We have reached the same conclusion now as was reached back in November, with what looks to be the same zip file.


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