Local Error Message - Error Importing Site

I’m wanting to stage a site being hosted by GoDaddy. I backed up and exported a Zip file using the “Back WP Up” plugin.

After dragging and dropping into Local, I receive the message “Error Importing Site! Sorry, we couldn’t figure out what to do with the import file provided. Please extract it manually.”

This is my first time using Local to stage a site.

Any help is appreciated.

Hello @kelvinj - welcome to the Local community! :wave:

Have you reviewed the article below and ensured you have the necessary files inside of the exported Zip (namely, a wp-content folder and a sql database dump)?

Let me know!

If you have already checked that, feel free to drop your Local logs so we can look through and see if there’s any information about what may be causing the issue.

You can obtain those following these steps:


Hi Sam… Thanks for responding. Could you please take a look at the Local Logs.

local-logs.zip (987 Bytes)

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