Local 5.6.8 doesn't push to WPEngine the first time

Just upgraded to version 5.6.8 and the first time you push to stage on WPEngine it doesnt work
I have to go push again for the second time to push everything

I see the new release fixes for Windows, but what about Mac?

I’m on Mac and unable to push to WPEngine at all after the update.

The GUI gets stuck on “Checking remote table prefix…”

I’ve got the same problem as well - Mac OSX and the GUI gets stuck on ‘Checking remote table prefix…’ when pushing to WP Engine.

Sorry for the issues! The fix in 5.6.9 should have applied to macOS as well. Would y’all mind attaching the Local Lightning logs after getting stuck at “Checking remote table prefix…”?


local-lightning.log (930.1 KB)

Here’s my log from a moment ago…

local-lightning.log (991.7 KB)

Another log, this time using 5.6.9

Another log, different site. local-lightning.log (719.8 KB)

Hey @rudy – Thanks for those logs – it definitely seems to be inline with a bug we’re close to fixing up.

One thing to clarify – has this been the case for all remote sites on WPE, or just one site in particular?

Any news?

This is where it fails ( “Checking remote table prefix…” )

{"thread":"main","class":"","message":"Failed to create shell\r\n","level":"warn","timestamp":"2020-08-13T16:12:20.443Z"}
{"thread":"main","class":"","message":"Connection to XXX.ssh.wpengine.net closed by remote host.\r\n","level":"warn","timestamp":"2020-08-13T16:12:20.444Z"}
{"thread":"main","class":"","level":"info","message":"\u001b[1;31m\rError: \u001b[0mexit status 1\n","timestamp":"2020-08-13T16:12:20.446Z"}

Sorry Ben, it was for all remote sites there. I’ll check out the new version and see if it works any better.

It looks like there’s an update.

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