I still can’t pull down sites. It will show that the pull is successful, but the files and db from WP Engine won’t get pulled down. I’m on 5.7.2.
{"thread":"main","class":"","level":"info","message":"Downloading latest excerpt from install ...\n","timestamp":"2020-08-25T19:45:02.524Z"}
{"thread":"main","class":"","message":"Plan for install *** doesn't support SSH\r\nConnection to ***.ssh.wpengine.net closed by remote host.\r\n","level":"warn","timestamp":"2020-08-25T19:45:04.407Z"}
{"thread":"main","class":"","level":"info","message":"\u001b[1;31m\rError: \u001b[0munknown error encountered downloading database: Unable to pull database: exit status 1\n","timestamp":"2020-08-25T19:45:04.418Z"}
{"thread":"main","class":"r","message":"Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/***/Local Sites/***/app/public/.wpengine-conf/wp-config-site.php'","level":"error","timestamp":"2020-08-25T19:45:04.423Z"}
@ben.turner any chance for a fix on this?
EDIT: turns out my plan does not include SSH. Perhaps Local could properly show an error message when this is the case rather than stating the pull was successful.