Local Live Link and MainWP

I’m trying to add my local sites using live link to my remote hosted main dashboard but I get connection error timed out.

I’ve contacted MainWP for help and they can set op Live Link site (hosted locally using Local) to their MainWP Dashboard (on a webhost). They have suggested it could be that the server where Local hosts their Live Link sites is rejecting the connection from your Dashboard for some other reason.

Is this possible to check please?

System Details

  • **Local Version: 7.1.2

local-logs.zip (260.3 KB)

Hi @jenefer

I don’t believe what you’re trying to do is possible. The intended purpose of Live Links is not to provide a locally hosted website, but simply a “preview” of your site to share with peers or customers. This is a temporary link that is only “live” while your Local up is running and the site is started. It can also run into things like timeout and resource limits within the machine if left open for long periods. The “server” is actually your machine that the Local app is installed on.

Let me know if that makes sense or if you have any other questions!

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