Local Pull sites from WPEngine

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I was wondering if there is an issue with the way Local connects via SSH to WPEngine.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

Try and pull a website from WPEngine to Local; either by just pulling to an existing connection or by login in to WPEngine from Local and then pulling a website once the connection between Local and WPEngine is successful.

System Details

  • Local Version:
    Version 9.0.5+6706
  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    MacOS: 14.5 (23F79)

Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hey @amichell – welcome to the Local community forums!

It’s hard to know for sure what might be going on.

Can provide the Local Logs? You can get a zip of those logs by clicking the “Download Local Log” button from the “Support” tab of Local. See this help doc for more information:

Thank you @ben.turner following are the logs -I think these are the relevant ones. It looks like the rsync operation failed due to an SSH connection timeout to the WP Engine server.
local-lightning-verbose0.log (288.5 KB)

I also looked at the router error logs and they have the same narrative (in this case I was trying to access a different site I manage the day before and could not connect Local to WPEngine):

Warning Logs: (Consistent pattern) all warning logs share a common pattern:

  • An upstream response is being buffered to a temporary file.
  • The client is accessing a specific website (amplifykc2021.local, amplify.local, or i2fjune.local).
  • The requested resource is a media file (image or video).
  • The upstream server is a local server ( on a specific port.

Error Logs: (Connection refused) the two error logs indicate that Nginx was unable to connect to the upstream server (
error.log (98.6 KB)

And the latest verobose logs (July 30) describe the same connection issue to WPEngine.
local-lightning-verbose0.log (288.5 KB)

Entry 1 & 2 (Warn level):** These entries indicate the core issue.
Entry 1: The SSH connection to the prddwplpsite.ssh.wpengine.net server timed out.
Entry 2: Rsync encountered an unexpected connection closure and unexplained error (code 255).
Entry 3 (Error level):** This entry summarizes the error, stating “Error in WP Engine connect” and referencing the rsync process exit code (255) from entry 2.
Entry 4 & 5 (Debug level):** These entries seem unrelated and likely represent successful pings to a database within the application after the rsync failure.

Hey @amichell

I looked for some of the sites mentioned in your earlier logs but looks like they’ve been removed?

Is there anything unique about your connection? For example are you using a VPN or connecting via a work/office network?

As a workaround and a test, does direct importing a backup into Local work?

Thank you @Nick-B ; yeah I did remove the sites from my account. I downsized my WPEngine hosting account. And about your workaround, that is what I have been doing, download the backup and restore using Local. I wish I could go back to just using Local directly.

Did you start having issues with Local Connect after a specific update of your app, machine or change in your WPE account?

Something else you could try for a quick troubleshooting workflow would be this:

  • Disable API access in your WPE dashboard
  • Log out of your WPE account in Local
  • Quit Local
  • Enable API access again on WPE side
  • Restart Local
  • Log back into WPE in your app and try again

Hi @Nick-B Thanks for the suggestion; I try it, followed the steps you listed and it did not work. However there seems to be an issue with SSH at WPEngine. Here is the announcement: Loading...

Hi @amichell! You’re correct and I just shared that with some other WPE users as well. As a test you could try connecting to your site via SSH and if that doesn’t work then your install might be impacted. You could also try reaching out to WPE directly to see if they are able to determine if you’re specific install is included or wait until that issue shows resolved.

Thank you @Nick-B; it seems my install is impacted. I opened a ticket with WPEngine.

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Okay thank you for letting us know @amichell :green_heart:

I know you’ve already been downloading and importing backups as workaround. You can also use the WPE migration plugin as a workaround for pushing as well if needed: