LocalWP Performance for Windows - Its not me, its you (I think)

I have tried every single step in the local WP windows guide

  • getting permissions to remove read only permission to hosts was a nightmare
  • i have a gaming rig i7 11th gen, 32gb ram
  • clean install of wordpress, no plugins.
  • tried literally every combination of apache, nginx, mariaDB, mySQL, and PHP
  • tried changing the install location
  • changed from .local to .gofaster
  • removed all firewalls let alone let it through
  • enabled virtualisation
  • removed docker from my pc
  • turned off my vpn
  • turned off xdebug
  • ran LocalWP as admin
  • restarted
  • tried on a different PC
  • I have tried this whole nightmare procedure twice over the last 2 years.

LocalWP is SLOW on windows!

I just bought a new mac m1, used lowest spec just for web dev and my jaw f*cking dropped! Without any tinkering, wordpress loads INSTANTLY with no delay on any page with wordpress.

It not us, its you. I think

Windows has always been slower for me, compared to Mac and Linux. It sounds like you’ve tried a bunch of things!

Just so I know for sure, where exactly are you seeing the slowness? Is it when you’re clicking around in the WP admin? Or is the slowness more when Local is “doing stuff” to the site like restarting or provisioning a new site?

If the slowness has to do more with creating a new site, one thing you might try is to update the Search indexing settings as outlined in this topic:


The Local WP app works fine. Im not too sure if speeds are slower for provisioning new sites or activating etc (tbh this doesnt concern me tho, im not bulk loading 100 websites).

The slowness is in the actual browser. There are these huge waits for the response from the server by the look of it.

theres nothing competing for it on resmon resource monitor.

My only thing i can think of bad support for intel vt-x

this is from a brand new install. New localWP, new wordpress, fresh restart. The works. Still a >2 seconds wait between any page.

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Ouch, That’s a pretty long TTFB!

Since it’s related to the wp-admin/edit.php file, that’s definitely related to the WP site.

I’d be curious to know what exactly is slow when fulfilling the request. For example, is it the DB? Is it PHP doing a bunch of calculations? Slow requests to external servers?

If you install Query Monitor and visit the page, what sorts of things does it identify as being slow?

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As another point of reference:

  • Windows 10 Home
  • Intel Core i7 6th Gen (old school!), 32GB RAM
  • nginx, mySQL 8, PHP 8.2
  • .local domain
  • SSL enabled
  • AV software running

The response times I’m seeing here aren’t lightning fast, but they’re nowhere near the 2s delays that you’re seeing. Front-end pages are generally quicker than this, ranging from 150ms to 400ms typically.

I know that the “it works for me” answer doesn’t really help you, but wanted at least to show that Local works on Windows. If there’s any info that I can provide that helps you or the Local team to improve your speeds, I’ll gladly do so.


Yeah at this point. Just over Local. I used it years ago and it worked great but I cant get it to run well on anything now. Just switching to docker.

This is a brand new install, I have client sites with video websites whose videos are playing from the other side of the world playing before this even loads nothing.

running the latest local app?

Yessir. I’ve been using Local for 6+ years, and am running the latest release (9.2.2, not the beta).