Mac OS 15 - Rsync issues

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Since updating to Mac OS 15, receiving “Uh-oh! We ran into an issue when pulling from WP Engine.” when trying to push or pull files/db.

System Details

  • Local Version: Version 9.0.3+6684

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version: macOS 15.0 Beta (24A5264n)

Local Logs (858.5 KB)

I’ve tried a few things, just to get ahead of general troubleshooting:

  • Downgraded and tried 4 previous versions of Local, none worked.
  • Uninstalled Local entirely, following the knowledge base doc, and reinstalled.
  • Rebooted machine.
  • Updated/Upgraded Rsync. rsync 3.3.0
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Hi @kleinmaetschke

Can you try this?

  • Log out of your WPE account in Local
  • Quit Local
  • Disable API Access in your WPE account dashboard
  • Enable it again
  • Reopen Local and log back into your WPE account
  • Try again

Thanks, @Nick-B. Unfortunately, the issue appears to persist. I’ve attached newer logs, in case they provide any insight.

Additionally, I tried to sync “Selected Files” this go-round, and doesn’t display the file list, giving the error “Local couldn’t load the file list!”. (866.5 KB)

As a workaround, are you able to download a backup and direct import that into Local?

Is there anything else unique about your connection? Are you on a work/office network? Do you use a VPN?

I’m able to do the backup and import for now. But that doesn’t help me easily push changes, of course.

Nothing unique about connection. Standard home internet connection. No VPN, no firewall.

Okay glad to hear the import works. It’s always worth testing that at least because sometimes if that errors out then it might point to a site level issue versus something wrong with the connection. I’m not seeing anything specific in your logs to point to a culprit yet. I’m checking with my team to see if anything stands out regarding the latest Mac update.

I appreciate you looking into it. I understand Mac OS betas likely fall outside your standard support scope. But I’m happy to test things out for you if it means I can find a solution and hopefully benefits your team preparing for the update as well.

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Appreciate your offer! I’ve raised this with the Devs who are looking into this but we don’t have a solution yet or a firm ETA on when any potential conflicts are addressed.

Is it possible at all to revert your update to see if functionality resumes as normal?

Not easily, unfortunately. Though I’m sure it would return normal functionality.

No worries we just wanted to throw that out there if it was a possibility to get you going in the meantime. For now you might have to rely on more manual migration methods for importing/exporting unless you have access to another machine.

I’m curious: What are the manual migration methods WP Engine recommends? I know how to backup the WPE site, export, and import locally. But what is the recommended method the other direction?

The easiest method would probably be doing a migration with WPE’s own migrate plugin:

Otherwise you could utilize more manual workflows like SSH or SFTP:

Any updates on this?

Responded to you over on this other thread:

@Nick-B I’ve got two co-workers now that have the same issue, neither are on the beta. One is on MacOS 14.2.1 and another is on MacOS 13.1. Both of them started having the issue today.

I’ve gotten the logs from both of them and attached them. Now that this is beyond the beta, and is truly a game-breaking bug for our development team, I’d appreciate if your team could look more into it. They both have the same rsync issues I’m showing.

(I can’t actually seem to upload files here, anymore? I’ll try in another reply, and if that fails, I’ll upload the logs to an external source and link them, I guess?) (1.0 MB) (1.3 MB)

(Seems the uploading button doesn’t work in Safari 18.0.)

Hi @kleinmaetschke

Even though the errors may look the same/similar it could be different root causes. Could you help us try to gather some more details here?

For these two users are they unable to use Local Connect at all for pulling/pushing? Or is it only specific sites?

Did it work until a specific update or change?

Is everyone working from different locations or sharing an office network?

Does anyone utilize VPNs?

Keep us posted and we’d be happy to help further!

It happened during the small WPE outage yesterday. Unfortunately (for my sake, not yours), they have since rebooted and face no more issues. But, for the sake of debug, I can answer those questions.

  • It was for all sites.
  • Worked until they tested it Monday morning. Likely caused by the outage and its impact on SSH connections.
  • Different locations.
  • No VPNs.

Okay thank you for the update @kleinmaetschke! It sounds like that outage was the culprit then for them. I apologize for the delay in getting back to you. The Forums aren’t closely monitored around the clock but as a WPE customer should you ever run into another more urgent issue you can always contact their chat support directly 24/7.