Mac + PC wordpress local server?

Hello !

i would like to know something…

i work on PC at my compagny place, and on MAC at home.
is-it possible with only ONE INSTALLATION, to use both system with LOCAL ?
how to manage many websites ( does i need the wordpress “multisite” option ? )

Actually, i installed LOCAL on my PC.
after searching a solution, i use Google Drive to stock my differents website projects.

Thanks !

Hi @Steftech!

Seems like you’ve figured things out here, but to clarify there currently isn’t an easier way to work on your sites from multiple machines with Local. The process would be to have the Local app installed on both machines, and then back up your sites to Cloud where you can reimport/export copies for retrieval.

Multisite does not refer to “multiple sites on multiple machines” but rather a single WordPress website that has multiple subdomains or subdirectories.

Thanks Nick !

LOCAL is an amazing app. i try find the best way to manage multiple website for many client with LOCAL, before putting them online. i use Google drive, but maybe it’s not the best Cloud service for this.

This is exactly what i did :

  • LOCAL installed on both machine MAC and PC
  • Created a folder for each client website on Google Drive.

the main problem is about the speed to access the website…

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Yes it’s not quite the fastest workflow for working between two different machines. Another alternative if you have a site you’re working on a lot is moving it to a host/server where it can be accessed from both machines. For example Flywheel has free 14 day demos you could use. Or you could get some cheap hosting to just use as a “Staging site”.

Demo Site