Magicsync in latest version is hidden on localwp?

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Can’t find Magicsync feature on my localwp, how to turn ON?

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:

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Local Logs

Attach your Local Logs here (Help Doc - Retrieving Local’s Log)

Security Reminder
Local does a pretty good job of scrubbing private info from the logs and the errors it produces, however there’s always the possibility that something private can come through. Because these are public forums, always review the screenshots you are sharing to make sure there isn’t private info like passwords being displayed.

Hello @kbolouvi -

Can you please let us know which Local Version you’re using?

Thank you,


We are running on the local 8.3.2

@sambrockway We are running on the local 8.3.2, Any updates on how we can activate the Magicsync plugin in our localWP?

@kbolouvi Since Local 8.3.1, the Magic Sync feature is available by choosing “select files” instead of “all files” when you push/pull your site:

From the release notes:

  • Improved MagicSync experience: MagicSync is no longer controlled by a toggle in Local’s user preferences. Instead, it is enabled by default and accessible by choosing “Select Files” in the Connect experience. Large folders are collapsed by default and changes are summed at the folder level, allowing users to dig deeper by expanding if needed. Determining remote server file differences got a speed boost, and the results are cached for 5 minutes for quick results as you navigate between sites.
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