Moving a site with https?

I am new to flywheel. On my site I am using https via a plugin ( WP Easy SSL) and cloudflare.

I tried moving the site with all in one migration, it works fine for sites on http, but the site i tried with the https would not work, just gave an error establishing the database connection.

Does anybody have an ideas on how i can move this site? When i looked at the database table the site was showing as http and not https?
I tried activating the ssl cert in flywheel local with no joy.

Thanks in advance if you have any suggestions.


Can you try making a backup with duplicator? :slight_smile:



Can you also provide a screenshot of the error you’re seeing?

Hey ndog,

The error establishing the database connection error doesn’t sound like an SSL issue, and may have something to do that individual server instance on Flywheel.

Can you try the migration one more time to a new, different site? If that works then you can delete the first one that you tried.

Let me know what you find!

– Ben