Yesterday I created a domain within my GoGeek account at SiteGround, installed WordPress and pointed the DNS (from Network Solutions) at SiteGround servers.
About three hours later I was able to log into the website back-end on my PC laptop using Chrome and from another iMac in the office using Safari but have NOT been able to login from my iMac desktop which is where I have the client’s site. I used LocalWP to build the site on my iMac. Why might I NOT be able to login from my iMac? How to fix?
Troubleshooting Questions
Does this happen for all sites in Local, or just one in particular? –Just one.
Are you able to create a new, plain WordPress site in Local and access it in a Browser? –Yes
Describe the steps that others can take to replicate this issue. If you have screenshots that can help clarify what is happening, please include them!
System Details
Which version of Local is being used? –5.9.8+5191
What Operating System (OS) and OS version is being used? --MacOSMojave 10.14.6
Attach the Local Log. See this Community Forum post for instructions on how to do so:
I’ve spent a considerable amount of hours trying to go live with a client’s Divi website that I developed with LocalWP on my iMac. SiteGround confirms the site is setup properly. The ONLY time I can log into the site at SiteGround is when I have LocalWP open. I am able to log into the site on another iMac in the office and on my PC laptop.
How do I unhook my LocalWP from logging into the site on SiteGround?
And that’s the problem. You should seek to avoid using an identical URL both locally and on the server. That’s I why the default domain suffix on Local is .local.
What you have done is set your local computer’s hosts file to to see your local computer as Use the settings to change the domain of the site URL in Local.
My assumption is that if you look up the site on a phone, or any other device, it will appear normally. You should only need to change the domain in Local, but in the future to avoid this type of issue you should have a distinct Local domain.
Depending upon the changes you have done locally you may need to update the online site.