Running out of disk space, where are docker vm, containers, and volumes?

Issue Summary

Running out of disk space on my Mac, and need to prune docker image, but can not find vm, containers, or volumes created by Local when I use the typical the Docker commands.


Installed Local yesterday, install went smooth, created 1 site- fine looking and functioning app! Today, I saw that my disk usage had grown by well over 10gb. The largest growth I see is in my Docker.raw file.

Prior to installing Local, I installed Docker Desktop for macOS and have been using Wodby’s docker4wordpress for years. I can see all the repositories, volumes, and containers that I have created with docker4wordpress by using Docker Desktop app and the usual docker commands like:

docker system df -v

But I do not see anything created by Local. What CLI commands would I use to see docker info as it related to the Local app? I tried the command 10updocker as well.

Did Local install its own vm? Is Local a front end for GitHub - 10up/wp-local-docker-v2: A simple Docker based development environment for WordPress. ?

I really searched hard in the docs and discourse, so thank you for reading this far. Any info appreciated! Local runs fine along side my docker4wordpress sites, and I really want to explore it further- just need to know how to get under the hood!

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