The provided auth token for the request is different from the session auth token

Hello, it is impossible for me to connect to the local application to be able to use the live version, I have uninstalled it completely to try to fix things but nothing works, every time I press connect it redirects me to a page where it says my gmail and I’m asked if I want to connect or cancel (first screenshot) no matter where I click I get the 403 error as the token is not the same as the one used when I registered (second screenshot)

I went through an application to be able to completely remove the program and the registry files to be able to install as if it was the first time always the same problem as well as remove the associated account but always the same error, please help me it’s been more than a week that I have this problem I contacted the support who could not help me and who ask me to share my problem to the community here

I have version 6.4 of local
Windows 10 familial
→ my local log

{“localVersion”:“6.4.0+5927”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.19044”,“osArch”:“ia32”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 10 Famille”,“linuxEdition”:null,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“timestamp”:“2022-06-07T09:26:24.194Z”}
{“localVersion”:“6.4.0+5927”,“osPlatform”:“win32”,“osRelease”:“10.0.19044”,“osArch”:“ia32”,“windowsEdition”:“Microsoft Windows 10 Famille”,“linuxEdition”:null,“level”:“warn”,“message”:“Electron Event ready”,“timestamp”:“2022-06-07T09:34:51.460Z”}

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