Uh-oh! unable to start site

When I tried to kill the process on pid 80, it came back with an error saying the process could not be terminated. Reason: Access Denied

Hi @TarynH

There could be some different issues at play, but not necessarily related to Local but just your machine. You could try looking around the web for some help and maybe starting here:

Honestly, this is all greek to me. And I see I am not the only one with a problem. It has to be something with LocalWP. This is just taking so much precious time to fix, and now I have to just “look around the web” - I don’t even know what I am supposed to be asking because I have no idea what the problem is!

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Maybe your issue is slightly different from the original poster or those in the thread. We’re always happy to help, but it’s tough for us to always be able to pinpoint the problem and instruct on the fix as every person’s set up is different.

Maybe we can start fresh here if you want to provide us with some more details:

  • What is your OS?

  • What version of Local are you on?

  • Please attach a copy of your Local Logs

OS is Windows 8
Latest Version 6.7.2

Local Log Pastebin

Hi @TarynH

Thank you! I copy and pasted your log readout into a Pastebin link just an FYI. In the future, you can just drag and drop the file that you download from Local to attach it to your comment.

It looks like Local is running into some trouble trying to update your Hosts file. Can you try the steps outlined here?

Hi again,

When I looked at the properties, it was already unchecked.

I am chatting to my antivirus support to find out if they can help me too.
I will let you know.

Thank you!

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Sounds great! Keep us posted if you have any other questions or issues.

unable to login to my website

So my antivirus wasn’t actually even activated, so it can’t have been the issue.
Any other ideas I can try?

Is it maybe a problem with Windows 8?

I have absolutely NO idea how, but it is fixed.
I got a different error and stumbled upon this: What is Router Mode? - Local
Which I then changed, and WHAM, it worked.

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Glad you got things fixed up here @TarynH!

@Dailystore This is likely due to a conflict with something else installed on your machine. A security or developer application that is causing a port conflict. You can try using the same article as TarynH above, to either change your Router Mode or troubleshoot a port conflict.

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I am experiencing a similar issue. I have attempted all the solutions shared in this thread, but
unfortunately, none of them have resolved the problem. Since it is crucial for me to recover my website, I kindly request your assistance in opening it. Here is a screenshot of the error:

local-logs2.zip (74.9 KB)

im using Windows 11

Hi @c46214

So you’re not running any other developer applications, security applications, and you’ve checked for port conflicts and tested changing your router mode?

I am experiencing a similar issue. I have attempted all the solutions shared in this thread, but
unfortunately, none of them have resolved the problem. Please help

windows 11 operating system.
php 8.1.9
nginx web server

log file attached
local-lightning-multiple-files.zip (111.3 KB)

Based on your logs it looks like you might have a Port conflict at play. I provided some notes up above to help investigate and address this. Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.


I got the same error. I used to have xampp and got an error that is why I transferred to localwp and created a whole new site. I am looking for solution as well. Please help. Thanks

Hi @Johnvic

Have you tried any of the troubleshooting mentioned in the thread yet? Changing your Router Mode, addressing port conflicts, etc?

Let us know what you’ve tried and what results you’ve had.

Bonjour, j’ai le mĂȘme problĂšme avec le mĂȘme Ă©cran. Je crois Ă©galement qu’il s’agit d’un blocage de sĂ©curitĂ© Windows Defender, mais je n’en suis pas sĂ»re. Cependant, une personne a qui j’avais partagĂ© le lien du site ne pouvait pas non plus y accĂ©der.

J’utilise :
Windows 11
version php 8.1.9
nginx, j’ai essayĂ© de changer de serveur et le mĂȘme message d’erreur s’affiche.

Je ne peux pas voir le site, ni me connecter en admin

Je ne peux pas dupliquer ou créer un nouveau site
Merci d’avance pour votre aide

local-lightning.log (336.7 KB)

Hi @LaetCom

What have you tried so far to resolve this?

Do you have any antivirus, security, or firewall applications that could be blocking Local?

More details about troubleshooting this here: Router Mode

Are you running other developer applications simultaneously? That could also cause similar issues. Apps like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

Have you checked permissions?