Uploading backup of site - error


I’m having trouble with uploading webiste backup to
I have a problem when migrating the entire site from dreamweb hosting to localwp.
I tried via wp migration tool and also via zip.file backup from the cpanel…
The zipped folder is inserted, but the site is completely white with no functions.
The picture is attached.

Also any advice on how to secure a custom domain to be https?
Do we have to insert dns options somewhere when you have custom domain?

What should I put in my dns options with my domain provider
When I want to put my custom domain.

Hi @Aleks

It looks like Local had trouble importing the database so you might have to do this manually. We have some steps for manually importing a site into Local here you can use:

Manually Import a Local Site

When your site is in Local it is not a live, publicly accessible site. So you won’t be able to point DNS and update the domain to a live domain. If you want to host your site somewhere you’ll want to find a managed WordPress host that fits your needs.

As far as securing the site in Local with HTTPS you’ll have to make sure your Router Mode is set to Site Domains, and then Trust the SSL. More on that here:

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