Watching the local sites on Mobile

What issue or error are you experiencing?

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:

I m using the last version (8.0.1) : * SHA1: 38ff5538e5773e961bf6fa15c1ab5a9de0c08da2
on my chromebook with a Linux (deb) partition of 10 Gb
and all runs perfectly

I m wondering if it exists any way to visualyze my local sites in more from my laptop ?

Have a great day


You can use our Live Links feature if you want to easily view your Local site on another machine:

You could also push the site somewhere like Flywheel to a free demo site:

Demo Site

Hi Nick
Live Links doesn t run on my laptop… Doesn’t it link to my previous issue that we solved with the router mode set up on “Localhost” ?

Sorry error code : 504 Gateway Time-out


Sorry about that, yes if you’re using Localhost mode then Live Links won’t work.

If you just want to view it on another machine, you could install Local there and import the site. If you want to view on a mobile device or something like that you may have to try moving the site to a Demo as mentioned.

Hi Nick
I would like to solve the Routeur Mode issue to be able to enable “SITE DOMAINS”…
All tutos that have read talk just about mac or wondows machines…
Do u have any info on how to solve that on a chromebook laptop ?
Many thx

Here are some common culprits you can check for conflicts with your Site Domains mode:

  • Antivirus or Security applications/extensions. Including Firewalls.

  • Other developer applications like MAMP, XAMPP, or Docker for example.

  • Are you on a work network? There could be an office firewall or security blocker preventing Local from making connections.

  • Are you using a VPN? This could also be causing connection issues.

If there is a port conflict, we have more details about troubleshooting those here:

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