Disable Update Notifications

What issue or error are you experiencing?

Is there a way to stop the new version available from popping up every time the app starts? I’m not going to be updating from Catalina anytime soon and its a pain.


System Details

  • Local Version:
    Version 8.0.0+6475
  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    Catalina 10.15.7

Hi, @digitalone - We don’t have a built-in option for ignoring updates, so you’ll have to dismiss these individually.

Me too. I am in the same boat and would like to suggest a simple checkbox on that popup for “Don’t show me this alert again.”

Thank you @NdnaJnz and @digitalone! I’ve changed this to a feature request so feel free to upvote, share and follow. We’ve had requests for this in the past but the team’s stance was that we shouldn’t disable these notifications permanently in case an important, breaking update was needed. If interest levels have changed for this feature, however, we’re always happy to review it once again and look for ways to help out our users.

Disable update checks in-app or block connections via macOS Firewall.

There is not currently an option for this @Moon1 but that’s what this feature request is for so feel free to upvote and follow for any updates!