Local Connect with WP Engine Sets Wrong File Permissions when using any other drive but C:

What issue or error are you experiencing?

When using the WP Engine migrate function, it sets wrong file permissions when using any other drive but c:

If I import the site from WP Engine into the default location (C:\Users\Josh\Local Sites) the migration/site functions correctly and the file permissions are all correct.

If I import the same site to a different drive (D:\local) the migration completes but I get WordPress errors due to the file permissions being incorrect.

Warning : opendir(D:\local\cs-test\app\public/wp-content/mu-plugins): Access is deni (code: 5) in D:\local\cs-test\app\public\wp-includes\load.php on line 953

Warning : opendir(D:\local\cs-test\app\public/wp-content/mu-plugins): Failed to open directory: No error in D:\local\cs-test\app\public\wp-includes\load.php on line 953

I can resolve the errors by using powershell to take ownership of the files.

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

To replicate, simply import any site from WP Engine using the build in Pull feature but set the location to a secondary drive:


System Details

  • Local Version:

  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    Windows 11 Version 23-12 (0S Build 22631, 4169)

Local Logs

This is a clients site so I cannot share the logs publicly but I would be happy to email these across if needed.

Hi @JoshHiggins96

Does this happen with any site or only this specific site? We’ve seen a similar issue pop up in the past but we were unable to replicate it. We had a thread going with a user here but never got back to us with more intel. There might be something useful in there to help with your troubleshooting. For now your best bet might be continuing to do the permissions reset.

Any site I pull down from WP Engine. Even if I create a new one locally and push up and the pull down it’s broken.

I just don’t bother anymore, and just use Flywheel to push / pull – no issues there.

If you do get messed up to this to reset the local permissions >> icacls “full path to the folder” /reset /t /c /

@JoshHiggins96 and @codeshed

Would you be able to share some full local logs here after a test? I’d be happy to share this with our devs for a further look. The last time we had trouble replicating this at all, so we aren’t sure where the disconnect is but we can continue to take a look. It doesn’t seem to be a widespread issue as the majority of WPE Connect users aren’t running into this.

Retrieving Local’s Log File

Hi Nick,

This happens with any site I pull down from WP Engine.

The weird thing is I only get the issue if I choose to use my D: drive rather than the default local location on C:.

If I use the C: drive, the pull feature works perfectly.

When I do use the D: drive I only run into the errors when accessing the site, there are no issues produced by local. All the errors are permission errors from php/wordpress:

**Warning** : opendir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/mu-plugins): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-includes\load.php** on line **953**

**Warning** : opendir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/mu-plugins): Failed to open directory: No error in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-includes\load.php** on line **953**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/acf-json): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\plugins\advanced-custom-fields-pro\includes\local-json.php** on line **295**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/blocks/): Access is deni (code: 5) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php** on line **32**

**Warning** : scandir(D:\local\met-test\app\public/wp-content/themes/cental-states-three-d/blocks/): Failed to open directory: No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php** on line **32**

**Warning** : scandir(): (errno 2): No such file or directory in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php** on line **32**

**Warning** : foreach() argument must be of type array|object, false given in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php** on line **35**

**Warning** : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php:32) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-includes\pluggable.php** on line **1435**

**Warning** : Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-content\themes\cental-states-three-d\functions\register-blocks.php:32) in **D:\local\met-test\app\public\wp-includes\pluggable.php** on line **1438**

I believe I did this previously in the thread – can you not track that down?

If not I will do some tests again and send the results / logs.

Here was my last comment on that previous thread where you mentioned you’d follow up with some of the info we were looking for:

I can cycle back into this again, but I am booked for most of the day. ( I too am using D: for my local environment )

FYI – The WPE-specific mu-plugins do get pulled over to the local environment. Actually it’s the wp-content/drop-ins folder.

Hi Nick,

I do not want to share these logs publicly on the forum in case the contain any sensitive client data.

Is there an email address I can send this too?

I sent you a DM where you can share those with me! Thank you

Hi @JoshHiggins96 and @codeshed - Following up here to let you know one of our Devs did some extensive testing and was able to replicate this issue. We’ve updated this post and set it as a bug and will continue to monitor the impact. We don’t have a firm ETA on when this may be addressed, but we will leave this bug up for others to vote, comment, and follow along. Thank you for all of your patience and communication with us regarding this!

Great news

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Any luck with this? Last note I see is 15 days old. With multiple’s of us havving this issue.

A bug has been filed in our backlog @kpirnie but we have other items we have to prioritize so there isn’t a firm ETA on when this will be addressed. Feel free to upvote those and continue to monitor and we will share updates when it is resolved!

I mean, an issue like this is kind of a major issue. There’s more windows users than any other operating system, and if they are developers using this software, that means most of those users are using this on a drive that is not their system drive…

Maybe I’ll signin with my work account, and put up a bigger stink about it, considering the number of clients we have to support that are hosted with WPEngine at this time…

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Thank you for your feedback @kpirnie!

You’re correct that most of the users that utilize our app are on Windows; however, in regards to “most of those users are using this on a drive that is not their system drive,” we haven’t seen that to be the case. However, I’ve checked with the Local devs, and they’ve bumped the priority of the bug up, so it’s closer to the top of the pile. We still don’t have a firm ETA to provide on when it will be addressed, but we will share any updates here as soon as we have made any progress.

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