Mac OS Sonoma: Missing host file

What issue or error are you experiencing?

I’m unable to pull a site that is connected through WPEngine, I’m able to create sites from scratch but not pull sites that are already up. I receive an error saying “Could not update hosts file”.

PS: I have Rosetta 2

What steps can be taken to replicate the issue? Feel free to include screenshots, videos, etc

System Details

  • Local Version:
  • Operating System (OS) and OS version:
    Mac OS Sonoma 14.3.1

Local Logs

local-lightning-verbose5.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose6.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose7.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose8.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose9.log (1.0 MB)

Hi @jason_bourne

As a workaround are you able to download a backup and direct import it?

Thanks for the prompt reply! It does start the site and pull files that way but now WP Admin isn’t accepting my credentials when running the local site. I use the same credentials to log in to the live site WP Admin.

Edit: This is not a problem that occurs with every website only some for whatever reason

Hi @jason_bourne!

You should be able to use the steps here to reset your password or create a new admin:

Just tried it still didn’t work unfortunately

Does it just keep saying your credentials are invalid or some other error?

To clarify did you try changing your password or creating a new admin?

Yup - Invalid credentials. I edited the password of my user which was already on there.

If you run the command wp user list do you see your user in there?

Maybe try creating a new user instead and see if that lets you in.

Weird it worked when I created a new user - wonder if it’ll change the admin list on live site once I push. Thanks!

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Glad that you got back in! Now that you have access to the backend you should be able to add or reset the password for the user that you were intending to use from the beginning.

I’m unable to push to WPEngine now? Pushing hasn’t been an issue in the past - wonder if its due to using the zip to create the project

Can you share your log again? We’ve been seeing some SSH issues recently with WPE Connect so it may be different from what you’ve had going on.

local-lightning-verbose5.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose6.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose7.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose8.log (1.0 MB)
local-lightning-verbose9.log (1.0 MB)

I also have logs #0-4 but I can only upload 5 at a time

If you click the Download Local Logs button from the Support tab in Local. That will automatically generate a zip archive that contains all of your logs bundled together for us! (494.8 KB)

Thank you @jason_bourne! It does look like this is related to some of the issues we’ve been seeing on the WPE side recently. The Devs are aware of this and looking into it, but for now we don’t have a clear cut workaround. If you need to get the changes up right away you might have to use something like SSH, SFTP or a migration method.

Is there any documentation available by chance on how I can continue to push updated files using SFTP

Hey @jason_bourne - Nick is out today, but let me see if I can hunt that down for you… we have this help doc on our site, if this is helpful for you? File Transfer Protocol (FTP/SFTP) - Support Center

In the meantime, we just released a Beta version of Local v8.3.0 which may fix the issue you’re seeing. If not, at a minimum, it will provide more detailed logging that will be valuable in helping the dev team and me track down what’s going on. Would you be willing to try it out and let us know if it fixes it? Local Beta 8.3.0

If it fails, if you could upload the logs that would be super helpful!

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Hey @austinwendt that helped! I’ll make sure to get back to you once I’ve tried the beta


Unfortunately, the problem with the missing host file is persisting - my only workaround is using a zip backup file to make a local env and then use SFTP to move the files over @austinwendt