Resource hogging


I’m experiencing overall performance issues where it’s using about 120% of the CPU’s.
I have about 20 installs where I usually keep 4-5 enabled at a time.

To give some perspective:
In the activity monitor, Chrome has an avg. energy impact of 25.
Local by Flywheel sits at 138.

Is this normal?

This is on a 2016 Macbook Pro 15".

Hi @robin,

That definitely seems a bit high.

What version of Local are you running? Also, do you have “Faster Docker Volumes” enabled under Preferences » Advanced?

I’m running 2.1.2 and yes, I have “Faster Docker Volumes” enabled.

Got it, thanks!

It may be worth a shot disabling Faster Docker Volumes or upgrading to the Local 2.2.1 pre-release.

Also, how large are the sites (in terms of posts, plugins, etc) that are typically running?

Ok, I’ll try that.

The database is very basic. Only a few posts and pages.

Plugins is generally just ACF, Gravity forms and some helpers: Query Monitor, Safe SVG, Duplicate Post and such.