Stuck on "Checking System", please help

Just downloaded and installed now it’s stuck “Checking System”.local-by-flywheel.log (75.8 KB)

Hi @JaredAvila,

Thanks for the log file!

Can you please try the steps here? How can I forcefully restart the Local by Flywheel VM?

Thanks for your response @clay, it would appear that Local by Flywheel has not created a VM yet, see attached photo.

What should I try next?


Thanks for the screenshot!

In that case, it looks like Docker Machine wasn’t able to fully create the VM. Please try the following:

Note to other readers, the steps below will delete any existing sites you have in Local:

  1. Delete C:\Users\thesa\.docker\machine\machines\local-by-flywheel. Note, you may have to type in that path since .docker is a hidden directory.
  2. Re-open Local and attempt installation again

Now it is getting stuck when creating the VM. It doesn’t appear to move past the “Creating SSH Key” stage. Here’s the log for reference as well as a screenshot of where it keeps getting stuck.

local-by-flywheel.log (114 KB)

Never mind. Found out it was due to ‘human error’ (my impatience). It’s working just fine now. Thanks for your help.

Glad to hear! Please let us know if we can help with anything else.

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