Update 2.2.4 for MacOS broke my install

When opening Local by Flywheel today, I was prompted to update the app. I did it, and now Local won’t work.

At the end of the install, i got these error messages, one after the other:

Now that I’m starting up Local again, the window is stuck on “Checking System.”

I’ve never encountered an error with Local before. Every install I’ve done has updated perfectly. I was on the latest version of the software prior to today’s update prompt.

I have sites on Local that haven’t yet been uploaded to the Flywheel server, so I need to get Local working again. If anyone has any suggestions, or if Flywheel can provide assistance, please let me know. Thank you.

After restarting a third time, Local now seems to be functioning again. However, it’s possible that errors could appear later if an install gives errors, as this install did for me. If the dev team could look into this, it would help to ensure that local work remains intact, as well as the export to Flywheel function. Thanks.

Hi @craigsimpsonhere,

Sorry for the trouble!

The port allocation issue is a Docker bug. It has existed for several versions.

The easiest way to fix it is to go to Help » Restart Local’s Machine.

Thanks Clay.

Good to know. Local has seemed to work okay since that hiccup getting the update installed. Really enjoy using Local. Signed up for the beta for the paid version.



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