.wpe-push-ignore being improperly parsed? "Local couldn't load the file list!"

I’m getting the error “Local couldn’t load the file list!” when attempting to list files for push.

Local version is Version 8.3.2+6660

Inspection of the logs finds:

{"class":"SshService","level":"debug","message":"Running SSH with following args: '-F', '/dev/null', '-o', 'IdentitiesOnly=yes', '-o', 'PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes=+ssh-rsa', '-o', 'ControlMaster=auto', '-o', 'ControlPersist=30m', '-o', 'ServerAliveInterval=60', '-o', 'ServerAliveCountMax=120', '-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no', '-o', 'UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null', '-i', '%%userDataPath%%/ssh/wpe-connect', 'redacted@redacted.ssh.wpengine.net', ''cd sites/redacted/ && find . -path \"./wp-config.php\" -prune -o -path \"./_wpeprivate\" -prune -o -path \"./.wpe-devkit\" -prune -o -path \"./.wpengine-conf\" -prune -o -path \"./.wpe-connect\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-devkit.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mysql.sql\" -prune -o -path \"./.git\" -prune -o -path \"./autoupdater_backup_*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/object-cache.php\" -prune -o -path \"./.bin/*\" -prune -o -path \"./vendor/bin/*\" -prune -o -path \"./node_modules/puppeteer\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/mu-plugin.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-common\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/slt-force-strong-passwords.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/force-strong-passwords\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-wp-sign-on-plugin.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-wp-sign-on-plugin\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-security-auditor.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-cache-plugin\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-cache-plugin.php\" -prune -o -path \"./local-phpinfo.php\" -prune -o -path \"./local-xdebuginfo.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/local-by-flywheel-demo-urls.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/local-by-flywheel-live-link-helper.php\" -prune -o -path \"./.wpe-pull-ignore\" -prune -o -path \"./.wpe-push-ignore\" -prune -o -path \"./.gitignore\" -prune -o -path \"./# This file lists which files should not be pushed by WPE DevKit. Feel free to\" -prune -o -path \"./# add, remove, or comment lines to change the sync behavior, but note that this\" -prune -o -path \"./# file will be recreated with the default values if it is missing. There are a\" -prune -o -path \"./# few additional files, including wp-config.php, which are ignored no matter\" -prune -o -path \"./# what as synchronizing these files would almost certainly result in an unusable\" -prune -o -path \"./# install.\" -prune -o -path \"./# Temporary and OS files\" -prune -o -path \"./*~\" -prune -o -path \"./.DS_Store\" -prune -o -path \"./*.swp\" -prune -o -path \"./Thumbs.db\" -prune -o -path \"./# Version Control files\" -prune -o -path \"./*.bak\" -prune -o -path \"./.svn\" -prune -o -path \"./.cvs\" -prune -o -path \"./#.git\" -prune -o -path \"./# WordPress specific files\" -prune -o -path \"./# NOTE:\" -prune -o -path \"./#   WP Engine automatically updates part or all of WordPress under certain\" -prune -o -path \"./#   circumstances, so generally it is desirable to not push local copies of the\" -prune -o -path \"./#   WordPress files to a production server. However, in case you do have some\" -prune -o -path \"./#   specific need to push local changes to production, you can comment out these\" -prune -o -path \"./#   lines.\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-config.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/blogs.dir\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/upgrade/*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/backup-db/*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/advanced-cache.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/wp-cache-config.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/cache/*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/cache/supercache/*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/uploads/*\" -prune -o -path \"./# WP Engine specific files\" -prune -o -path \"./# NOTE:\" -prune -o -path \"./#   These files are specific to running a WordPress site at WP Engine and would\" -prune -o -path \"./#   likely result in a broken production site if modified in production (in\" -prune -o -path \"./#   fact, permissions would prevent modification for many of these files). It is\" -prune -o -path \"./#   strongly recommended that you do not attempt to modify these files in\" -prune -o -path \"./#   production.\" -prune -o -path \"./_wpeprivate\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/mu-plugin.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/slt-force-strong-passwords.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/stop-long-comments.php\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/force-strong-passwords*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-devkit*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-common*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpengine-excerpt*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-wp-sign-on-plugin*\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/plugins/wpengine-snapshot/snapshots\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mysql.sql\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/plugins/autoupdater*\" -prune -o -path \"./# Some other files which may be desirable to skip under certain circumstances\" -prune -o -path \"./#.listing\" -prune -o -path \"./#plugins/wp-file-cache/cache\" -prune -o -path \"./#.cache\" -prune -o -path \"./#temp\" -prune -o -path \"./#tmp\" -prune -o -path \"./#*.tmp\" -prune -o -path \"./#imagecache*\" -prune -o -path \"./#*_backup\" -prune -o -path \"./#gt-cache\" -prune -o -path \"./#wp-config-sample.php\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/w3tc*\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/w3-*\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/uploads/snapshots\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/backup*\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/uploads/backup*\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/temp*\" -prune -o -path \"./#log.txt\" -prune -o -path \"./#debug.log\" -prune -o -path \"./#/wp-content/plugins/plugins\" -prune -o -path \"./#.a\" -prune -o -path \"./#w3tc/dbcache\" -prune -o -path \"./#w3tc/objectcache\" -prune -o -path \"./#w3tc/pgcache\" -prune -o -path \"./#w3tc\" -prune -o -path \"./#plugins/w3-total-cache\" -prune -o -path \"./#pclzip*\" -prune -o -path \"./#*.gz\" -prune -o -path \"./#*.zip\" -prune -o -path \"./#*.tar\" -prune -o -path \"./#*.tgz\" -prune -o -path \"./##\" -prune -o -path \"./# CUSTOM HEREAFTER\" -prune -o -path \"./##\" -prune -o -path \"./# Ignore WP Engine's cache plugin to avoid push failures on Windows machines\" -prune -o -path \"./wp-content/mu-plugins/wpe-cache-plugin\" -prune -o -path \"./# Ignore Github Action workflow files\" -prune -o -path \"./.github/*\" -prune -o -path \"./deployment-inclusions.txt\" -prune -o -path \"./# Ignore Node/Tailwind artifacts\" -prune -o -path \"./*/node_modules\" -prune -o -path \"./*/package.json\" -prune -o -path \"./*/package-lock.json\" -prune -o -path \"./*/postcss.config.js\" -prune -o -path \"./# PHP Composer\" -prune -o -path \"./*/composer.json\" -prune -o -path \"./*/composer.lock\" -prune -o -path \"./*/vendor\" -prune -o -path \"./*/phpcs*\" -prune -o -printf \"%y|%p|%s|%T@\n\"''","thread":"main","timestamp":"2024-03-19T23:19:36.057Z"}

Notice the entries such as # add, remove, or comment lines to change the sync behavior, but note that this that are from the .wpe-push-ignore file.

The head of our ignore file looks like:

# This file lists which files should not be pushed by WPE DevKit. Feel free to
# add, remove, or comment lines to change the sync behavior, but note that this
# file will be recreated with the default values if it is missing. There are a
# few additional files, including wp-config.php, which are ignored no matter
# what as synchronizing these files would almost certainly result in an unusable
# install.

# Temporary and OS files

# Version Control files

Removing comments from the .wpe-push-ignore file fixes the problem. I’m new to Local but we’ve got this pattern around a bunch of our Repos here, and I can find it on some other public Github repos, but I can’t find official documentation on the ignore file format.

Are comments supported?

Are these comments properly formatted?

Any and all help is appreciated.


Hi @Wookiee

We currently have a bug regarding issues with Ignore files here:

The team is aware and actively working on a fix!

Thanks @Nick-B

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